Questions tagged [static-ip]

Unchanging address permanently assigned to a device in an IP network.

261 questions
7 answers

How do I set up networking/WiFi/static IP address on Raspbian/Raspberry Pi OS?

I have followed (any one of hundreds) tutorial, and it does not work. How do I set up networking/WiFi/static IP address on the Raspberry Pi? After the Foundation introduced the dhcpcd networking system to Raspbian in May 2015 there were hundreds…
5 answers

How to setup multiple WiFi networks?

I go back and forth from home to school with my Pi. I just got the WiFi working last night at home using wpa.conf instead of wpa_supplicant.conf as the book I was using had the walk thru for that instead. I've noticed lots seem to use…
Chef Flambe
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4 answers

Set multiple static ip in dhcpcd.conf - Raspbian 8 (jessie)

Trying to set two static ip in dhcpcd.conf, but second ip is not active. dhcpcd.conf interface eth0 static ip_address= static routers= static domain_name_server= interface eth0:1 static…
Avin Varghese
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9 answers

Static IP Failing for wlan0

I am currently trying to set up my Raspberry Pi as an Access Point using hostapd using the following directions: RPI Wireless Hotspot Unfortunately, my static IP Address refuses to set at startup. Below is the contents of my…
Justin Niessner
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5 answers

SSH - connection timeout when connecting

My RPi is running Raspbian. I am trying to get SSH set up. I followed these steps to get a static IP on my Pi: Since my PC was connected to the LAN via WiFi, I used ipconfig to get the IP address, gateway, etc. of my WLAN card I used this data to…
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6 answers

How to connect and use ssh without a screen using BUILDROOT

I want to build a minimal system for raspberry pi (B+) to improve the performance of my face detection algorithm ... I have found BuildRoot : for the configuration i found that it's not necessary to do the configuration myself and instead i have…
The Beast
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5 answers

Cannot SSH to Raspberry Pi via WiFi only

I am having trouble connecting to my Raspberry Pi over SSH when it is connected through WiFi. When the RasPi is connected through Ethernet everything works fine. However, when it is connected through the WiFi dongle, I can ping the router (on…
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5 answers

Where does my secondary IP come from?

My Pi is configured with Arch to use eth0 with a static IP configured in conf.d: [gotschi@berry ~]$ cat /etc/conf.d/network@eth0 address= netmask=24 broadcast= gateway= This worked better than any other configuration…
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2 answers

Setting a static eth0 ip

I have been trying to set up a static IP for my Raspberry Pi. From what I understand I need to change the interfaces file at /etc/network/interfaces. My file (based on this tutorial) looks like this: auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto eth0 iface…
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3 answers

Does dhcpcd prevent a remote DHCP server serving an IP address that is declared static?

Dhcpcd is a DHCP client and asks a remote DHCP server for an IP address. The DHCP server selects one free IP address from its pool and gives it to the client. Now in /etc/dhcpcd.conf of the client I can declare for example: static…
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3 answers

Change Static IP without rebooting

I have a Pi 3, with the wifi interface connected to one network and the Ethernet interface connected to another network. How can I change the eth0 static IP I have set from /etc/dhcpcd.conf and apply those changes without rebooting the Pi? It used…
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4 answers

Static IP on Arch Linux

How can I set up a static IP on my Arch Linux installation so I can easily SSH in? I followed this thread, but I could not get the static IP I set to work! Here's my /etc/netctl/eth0 file: Description='A simple ethernet connection using a static…
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2 answers

How to have fallback to dynamic IP when static IP fails?

I have a headless raspberry pi zero. It is configured to be connected to home network and my mobile hotspot (Android phone). When I am home, I would like it to get a static IP, where I know I can connect to it (works fine). But when it connects to…
Saren Tasciyan
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5 answers

Set static IP and stop DHCP on Jessie Lite

I've been trying for a few days now to set a static IP for my Pi but have so far been unsuccessful. I have a Model B Revision 2.0 (revision code 000d). I'm running Jessie Lite released 2016-05-27. Previously I used to set an IP in…
Dan McCoy
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3 answers

Default gateway gone after restart

I am trying to configure my eth0 interface with a static ip through my dhcp server. The static assignment is working fine, but I can't access the external network because there's no default gateway. pi@raspberry:~ $ route -n Kernel IP routing…
Alex Haynes
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