Questions tagged [storage]

Storage is the retention of retrievable data on a computer or other electronic system; memory. This tag should be used for questions about how to store data on the Pi, how to store data to be used by the Pi, and about how to use the Pi to store data for other computers.

141 questions
5 answers

How can I resize my / (root) partition?

Even though my SD card is 16GB, the image I flashed onto it was only 2GB and now I can only see 2GB of storage space on the disk. How can I resize the image so that I have more space on my root partition?
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5 answers

What's the maximum SD card size that the Raspberry Pi will accept? Do larger cards give slower performance?

On my digital camera, I noticed a performance decrease when I used a larger card; will this happen with the Raspberry Pi too? What's the maximum sized SD card it can handle? I see there is comprehensive list available from this question.
Highly Irregular
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16 answers

Transmission: permission denied on USB disk

I have Raspberry Pi running RaspBMC with a WD MyBook connected using USB. The drive is automatically mounted to /media/My Book. I have created a folder /media/My Book/downloads and I have set Trasmission's download directory to be /media/My…
Igor Kulman
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1 answer

Possible to connect SATA device to the SD slot?

I have been searching around for a cable which could be used to connect a normal hard-drive (SATA) to the SD slot, and therefore get a lot more storage without having to go via the (comparatively slow) USB slot. I can find SATA / SD adaptors (such…
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4 answers

How to tell how much memory is left on the SD card?

I have a raspberry pi, I've downloaded quite a few extras on it. I would like to be able to check how much memory I have left on my SD card. Is there a command that tells you memory available? Is the info in a file somewhere? Or do I have to…
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7 answers

How to get a good overview over used space?

Is there a command line package/application to get a good (maybe visual) overview over the free/used space left on Pi's SD-card. ls -lh is nice but it does not show me how much space the content of a folder uses. Also it would be helpful if it gives…
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1 answer

How do I create and mount a partition using the remainder of my SD card?

I have seen instructions for resizing the partition here, but how do I create a whole new partition using the remaining space, and then mount it?
David Sykes
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2 answers

How do I expand a raw disk image?

The official images supplied are raw disk images, which could have been created using dd. How do I make an image bigger? I'm not interested in repartitioning said image as that has already been answered in How can I resize my / (root) partition?.
Alex Chamberlain
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3 answers

How do I set up a storage device that is only "on" when used?

I use my Pi as a homeserver (headless via ssh, always on, restarted once a week). It's running raspbian, and I am running Ubuntu on my Desktop. Now, I want to add hard drives for backups and NAS to the Pi. At the moment I use an external usb hard…
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4 answers

use ssd as main drive

I would like to know, if it is possible to use a SSD as the only drive for a Raspberry PI. The reason is, I would like to use it as database- and webserver and I am not sure about the lifetime of SD-cards.
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2 answers

How to make a high powered USB hard drive work with the Pi?

I tried directly connecting my WD My Passport Ultra 1TB USB hard drive to the Pi but it draws too much power, and it doesn't even run the OS. Is there any way to connect it without damaging the Pi?
Anderson Reyes
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1 answer

How to install FreeNAS

Can FreeNAS be installed on a Raspberry Pi 3?
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2 answers

How do I configure (hardware) the Pi as a NAS?

I want to use my Pi as a NAS for my iTunes library, Time Machine backups and Home Theatre. I am planning to use a small SD card to boot and put the OS on another storage medium. But something that I haven’t figured out is what storage medium. I can…
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3 answers

g_mass_storage on rpi zerow is readonly (Use as Usb Stick)

Heyho, i have a tiny problem, i will use the rpi zero w as device to submit space on my nas as USB Stick, for test i used local file only. I used this tutorial withouth the samba things…
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2 answers

How to use external flash drive as raspberry pi 3 root storage?

What I want to be able to do is make my raspberry pi use my 1TB Flash drive as the root file system drive for raspberry pi so I can run everything trough it. I want to do this because my current SD card keeps running out of space. So also is it…
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