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1500 questions
14 answers

macOS keeps asking my ssh passphrase since I updated to Sierra

It used to remember the passphrase, but now it's asking it to me each time. I've read that I need to regenerate the public key with this command, which I did: ssh-keygen -y -f id_rsa > but it didn't fix anything. How can I make macOS…
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5 answers

Why does this PNG image display differently in Chrome & Firefox than in Safari and IE?

Check this image out: On Chrome and Firefox it will show as a pear. Now, try to save it and look at it saved on your desktop. Also, try viewing in Safari or Internet Explorer. It will display as an apple! Try clicking the image and moving it…
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18 answers

How are pseudorandom and truly random numbers different and why does it matter?

I've never quite got this. Just say you write a small program in any language at all which rolls some dice (just using dice as an example). After 600,000 rolls, each number would have been rolled around 100,000 times, which is what I'd expect. Why…
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12 answers

View list of files in ZIP archive on Linux

How can I view the list of files in a ZIP archive without decompressing it?
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19 answers

How to *disable* automatic reboots in Windows 10?

Windows 10 lets you 'schedule' a reboot for later. I want to disable it. Evidently Windows scheduled itself for a reboot last night when I wasn't looking and just closed everything I had been working on the night before. I reboot on the regular; I…
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18 answers

How to copy with cp to include hidden files and hidden directories and their contents?

How can I make cp -r copy absolutely all of the files and directories in a directory Requirements: Include hidden files and hidden directories. Be one single command with an flag to include the above. Not need to rely on pattern matching at…
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41 answers

How to execute a command whenever a file changes?

I want a quick and simple way to execute a command whenever a file changes. I want something very simple, something I will leave running on a terminal and close it whenever I'm finished working with that file. Currently, I'm using this: while read;…
Denilson Sá Maia
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5 answers

How can I get the same SSID for multiple access points?

I need to upgrade my existing wireless infrastructure and this time I want 2 access points to cover my house, since I get blind spots no matter what with a single AP. I have physical cabling to my central network available for both access points. I…
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15 answers

How do I convert a video to GIF using ffmpeg, with reasonable quality?

I'm converting a video to GIF file with ffmpeg: ffmpeg \ -i input.flv \ -ss 00:00:00.000 \ -pix_fmt rgb24 \ -r 10 \ -s 320x240 \ -t 00:00:10.000 \ output.gif It works great, but output gif file has a very low quality. Any ideas how…
Kamil Hismatullin
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10 answers

How to stop an automatic redirect from “http://” to “https://” in Chrome

I had something set up wacky in our DNS setup which is now resolved. The remaining problem is that chrome has cached the incorrect setup. Specifically, when using Chrome is now redirecting to (naked domain),…
phil swenson
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24 answers

How do I reorder tmux windows?

In screen, I can just type C-a :number 0 to move a window to the top of the window list and push all the other windows down one. What's the equivalent command sequence for tmux? I looked at the man page, but I'm finding it confusing on this point.
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8 answers

Permissions on private key in .ssh folder?

I changed my permissions in my .ssh folder and now when I use a piece of software that uses my private key, I have to type my password each time. What should my permissions be on my id_rsa file to not have to type a password each time I use an app…
Jody G
11 answers

From a quality perspective, what is better: turning volume up in the software, in the OS, or on the speakers?

If music isn't loud enough, how do I get the best quality (even if the difference is in fact so small it's negligible)? By making the music louder in my music player, game or other sound-producing software program? By raising the volume at the…
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5 answers

How do you reload your .vimrc file without restarting vim?

Can you edit your .vimrc file and reload it without having to restart Vim?
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5 answers

How to find a directory on linux?

I have a VPS with Suse Linux 10.3. I've logged in via SSH/putty and am trying to find where my web files are located. Since I'm uploading via FTP in a directory called httpdocs, I assume that this directory exists somewhere. My google searches have…
Edward Tanguay
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